Suntree Retreat 2022: A Revelation

Suntree Retreat 2022 has come and gone, and now I have to try to communicate this amazing, moving, inspiring event and how it has affected me, as well as its implications for the Atheopagan community going forward. My voyage to get there took 2-1/2 days, carpooling with fellow Atheopagan Society Council member James from the …

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Welcome to the Resistance (US)

With the leak of a draft opinion overturning the pivotal Supreme Court ruling Roe v. Wade, which guaranteed all people with uteruses the right to an abortion through the first trimester of pregnancy, shock waves are rippling across the United States. It won’t stop here. This Court has revealed its radical, reactionary and activist nature. …

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From the Atheopagan Society: A Statement of Policy Values

Ours is an engaged spirituality: engaged in society, engaged in the world. Atheopagans care not only about our own growth, joy in living, discovery and wonder, but the well-being of our fellow humans and the biosphere of which we are each a part. Our Atheopagan values, enshrined in the Four Sacred Pillars and the 13 …

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Atheopaganism: A Path of Reverence, Celebration and Service

It’s been awhile since I wrote just generally about Atheopaganism: what is it, why does it exist, and what does it stand for? Atheopaganism is a religious/spiritual path I envisioned between 2005 and 2009, which led to publication first of an essay and eventually of the book Atheopaganism: An Earth-Honoring Path Rooted in Science. In …

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Building Community, Core Values and Leadership

Recently, the Atheopagan Society launched a new program for the community: affinity groups. These are small groups organized around topics of common interest or geographical areas, where Atheopagans can interact, learn, support and get to know one another better. They meet on whatever platforms they choose (or in real life, when safe), and are not …

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Forming Atheopagan Affinity Groups

Recently, it was brought to the attention of the Atheopagan Society Council (including me) that some folks in the Atheopagan community are interested in starting their own Atheopagan affinity groups, which—at least during the pandemic—can meet by Zoom or Discord (or whatever platform they wish) and share fellowship, create rituals, kick around discussion topics, and …

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Announcing the Atheopagan Library

A new feature launched today at the Atheopagan Society website: a set of pages providing links to articles, videos, books, websites and other resources that may be useful to Atheopagans in developing their practices, homeschooling, research or simple reading interest. We are calling this collection, which will continue to grow over time, The Library. The …

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My Top Ten from 2021

The year is drawing down, and it’s time to take a look back at what we’ve published and pick some favorites! Here, in no particular order, are my favorite ten blog posts of 2021. If you have a favorite that isn’t on the list, please comment below! You Have Permission to be Witchy When Life …

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Ways You Can Help

My intermittent things-you-can-do-to-help-Atheopaganism post: Follow our social media on Twitter (@atheopaganism) and YouTube ( Become a Patron of The Atheopagan Society by donating at Listen to THE WONDER podcast at thewonderpodcast.podbean.com Participate in our Goodreads shelf at Join my (Mark’s) Patreon at to support my continued work to create resources, writing, thought, …

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Announcing SUNTREE RETREAT 2022!

Join us in May 2022 for a LIVE gathering of Atheopagans at the magnificent La Foret retreat center in Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA, May 13-16, 2022! This 3-day, 3-night retreat will feature workshops, rituals and lots of socializing time in beautiful spaces and around the fire. Ticket includes meals (Friday dinner through Monday lunch), and …

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