A Walpurgisnacht/May Day Vigil Ritual Menu

As we collectively shelter in place to slow the advance of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, the world and the Wheel continue to turn. Spring is rolling around into summer (at least, in many places in the Northern Hemisphere), and we have come to that major pillar of the annual celebrations of many Pagans, May Day … Continue reading A Walpurgisnacht/May Day Vigil Ritual Menu

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Is This The Time to Work on Your Spirituality?

The world has the novel coronavirus. The pandemic is serious, spreading, and causing major disruption. Many of us have been sent home from work, hopefully to work remotely but, for the less fortunate, simply to tough it out. And in our non-work time, we have hours and hours of empty space we might otherwise fill with … Continue reading Is This The Time to Work on Your Spirituality?

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Atheopaganism for Solitaries

We’re a subgroup of a subculture. Of a couple of them, actually: atheism and Paganism. So it’s not a surprise that though there are many of us collectively, we are spread thinly and may live far away from anyone else who identifies as practicing the path of Atheopaganism. Thus, this post, about practicing as a … Continue reading Atheopaganism for Solitaries

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An Atheopagan Tarot Spread

I have written before about “divination” and particularly the use of complex symbol systems such as runes or Tarot cards in Atheopaganism. We can use these symbol sets to access our intuitive and subconscious understandings of our situations, despite the fact that the arrangement of the cards (runes, bones, tea leaves, etc.) is random. When … Continue reading An Atheopagan Tarot Spread

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Ritual Hygiene: Preparation and Recovery

I made a mistake this week. I assigned the creation and completion of a solitary ritual to the students in the Atheopaganism U. class, and neglected to cover how to take care of yourself before and after a ritual. One of the students had a very powerful experience in her ritual, and then spent hours … Continue reading Ritual Hygiene: Preparation and Recovery

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Raising Children as an Atheopagan

Raising kids as an Atheopagan has a few added challenges atop the many that parents undergo—but can have many joys to offset them and enrich the experience of parenting. A key principle to keep in mind as you develop your family’s Atheopagan practices is that Atheopaganism is an opt-in path. You can offer opportunities to … Continue reading Raising Children as an Atheopagan

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