A Deeper Look into Atheopagan Moon Observances

Not long ago, I posted about a wonderful idea that arose during the weekly Saturday Atheopagan Zoom mixer: to corollate the 13 Moon cycles of the year with the 13 Atheopagan Principles. This enables us to have “themes” for each Moon cycle of the year, and to more deeply contemplate each of the Principles as … Continue reading A Deeper Look into Atheopagan Moon Observances

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A Walpurgisnacht/May Day Vigil Ritual Menu

As we collectively shelter in place to slow the advance of the novel coronavirus COVID-19, the world and the Wheel continue to turn. Spring is rolling around into summer (at least, in many places in the Northern Hemisphere), and we have come to that major pillar of the annual celebrations of many Pagans, May Day … Continue reading A Walpurgisnacht/May Day Vigil Ritual Menu

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LORE DAY: A New Sabbath for the Hallows Season

So, six months from now—in the Northern Hemisphere, mind—there is a two-day traditional holiday comprised of Walpurisnacht on April 30, followed by May Day. The former is a sort of mini-Hallows: ghosts and scary Visitations. Then May Day itself is joy and lusty celebration. Why isn’t this end of the year like that? Why don’t … Continue reading LORE DAY: A New Sabbath for the Hallows Season

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