To cap off our summer, we can revel in another triumph of human achievement, the soft landing of the Vikram Lunar Lander near the South Pole of the Moon! It’s hard to overstate the magnitude of this accomplishment – the…
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Pagan Bloggers with Naturalistic Worldviews
To cap off our summer, we can revel in another triumph of human achievement, the soft landing of the Vikram Lunar Lander near the South Pole of the Moon! It’s hard to overstate the magnitude of this accomplishment – the…
Read moreHappy Lunasa! May we remember to celebrate, helping to keep our minds on this world, with both good and bad.
Read moreLammas thus celebrates the heat of the summer, and with it, productivity and the early harvest – as well as the returning darkness. Those in the Southern Hemisphere celebrate Imbolc at this time.
Read moreHidden life beneath the snow and ice can take many forms and is preparing to burst forth! What do you hold, which could empower your life? Is it nearly time to bring it forward? Celebrations The Winter Thermstice is…
Read moreThe longer nights around Winter Solstice give our Moon greater prominence – a perfect reminder of the Artemis missions! For many of us, this is a big Sabbat, which takes a more preparation (and if you are buying gifts, the Naturalistic Pagan Gift List here might help).
Read moreThe Songs of Solstice book is a great way to keep singing in your holiday. Singing is a powerful and fulfilling human ability, and this book allows us to recover it from the Christian dominated culture.
Read moreThis is one of the most sacred times of the year for me – a time when I feel my Ancestors even more closely than usual, as well as a time to remember those who have died this past year. …
Read moreWow, where did that summer go? Whoever you are, I hope your summer was good. We are now approaching Mabon, the Fall Equinox already! Here are some online ritual opportunities, and below that, Fall Equinox celebration ideas. Plus, the growing…
Read moreHappy Lunasa! May we remember to celebrate, helping to keep our minds on this world, with both good and bad.
Read moreLammas thus celebrates the heat of the summer, and with it, productivity and the early harvest – as well as the returning darkness. Those in the Southern Hemisphere celebrate Imbolc at this time.
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