Connect with me on Instagram

I plan to keep this wordpress blog as a place to write longer bits about pagan practice and theology, but I’m posting about lived experience a lot more often on Instagram these days: My Instagram feed is only rarely explicitly pagan, and it’s plant-heavy; if you’re not into gardening, hiking, cooking, and/or art, it […]

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Cultivating small-p paganism

Sometimes friends see you more clearly than you see yourself. A few months ago, John Halstead wrote about my particular brand of small-p, backyard paganism in a post so flattering of my approach that I was embarrassed to read it. It was a profound gift, to have my practice reflected back to me. There’s precious […]

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Summer Solstice 2019

Sunflowers are blooming, dragonflies are hunting, and cicadas are droning where I live. Sunflowers blooming in my home garden Farmers’ markets are full to bursting with tomatoes and other early summer delights. WeatherBug lights my phone up with heat advisory warnings on the daily now. Ah, summer in Austin. When it’s still beautiful but beginning […]

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Culture of life

In a culture of life: We would cooperate with other nations to mitigate the effects of climate change, in order to protect our descendants from its consequences. We would not factory farm other animals for food. We would protect the integrity of Earth’s waterways, because water is life. We would beg for forgiveness we clearly […]

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The magic of daily practice

I’ve had neither time nor energy to do focused spiritual work since Spring Equinox, much less write about it. Both personal and professional life have felt overwhelming in recent weeks. Personally I’ve been attending to ongoing recovery from family-of-origin issues; adapting to the parenting tasks at hand, as my children grow and develop into tweenagers; […]

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Spring Equinox Spell

“All spells at their heart are either saying please or thank you,” according to solitary Pagan witch Tylluan Penry, and I’m inclined to agree. Here’s a simple spell for saying please on Spring Equinox. Before beginning, decide who you’ll ask, and where you’ll do the asking. Then make an altar, but don’t overdo it. At […]

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Pagan Philosophy Nugget #1: Why Religion?

Thus far in the Pagan blogs I’ve written a lot about practice without sharing very much philosophy or theology, not because I’m not doing any philosophy, but for a variety of other reasons. First among these is the fact that certain attitudes and types of practices, not philosophical positions, generally unite Pagan communities. Pagans approach […]

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