Facing the Tsunami of Lies – a Threat to our Democracy, by Starstuff, Contemplating

The harm of all these lies is hard to overestimate.  They ruin lives, they prey on the most vulnerable, and directly threaten our basic human rights in the months ahead.  What can we each do? 

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Paganism is Different, Part 4: In Paganism, you are Free to Change you Beliefs [Stardust, Contemplating]

Paganism is radically different from many huge religions, and that these radical differences appear to have a large impact on our lives, on the lives of future generations, and on our world.  In Paganism, you are free (even encouraged!) to change your beliefs. Paganism’s focus on our own actions aligns with Paganism’s strong thread of individual freedom. 

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Most of Your Cells Aren’t Yours, by Brock Haussamen

We think of ourselves as a relatively new species, set off from the rest of nature by our brains. And indeed we are both new and different in some ways. But surely the way that bacteria have become integral parts of us, repeating a pattern billions of years old, reminds us what ancient creatures we really are.

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A Sneak Peek at the Suntree Retreat! Plus Authenticity, Aging, and more! Recent Episodes of THE WONDER podcast, by Mark Green

The concept behind THE WONDER—named, of course, for the awe and reverence we feel as we contemplate the magnificent Universe—is that it will be an ongoing resource for non-theist Pagans to inform and inspire our practices and stimulate our thinking.

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