Now Taking Offers on Cave Painting Models!

Hi, all–long time, no chat! I’ve been busy in other areas of my life, trying to rebalance myself as the pandemic continues to wreak havoc on both my professional and personal life. (I’m doing okay, just BUSY!) One of the ways I’ve been keeping my sanity more or less intact has been through customizing Breyer … Continue reading Now Taking Offers on Cave Painting Models!

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New Edition of Nature Spirituality From the Ground Up Now Available!

I’m pleased to announce that the new, updated and annotated edition of Nature Spirituality From the Ground Up is now available as a paperback and ebook at! Originally published in 2016 by Llewellyn, it went out of print earlier this year and I received the rights back. So I made a new, self-published edition … Continue reading New Edition of Nature Spirituality From the Ground Up Now Available!

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Updated Editions of Early Books Now Available!

I am pleased to announce that I have released updated and annotated editions of my three earliest books: Fang and Fur, Blood and Bone; DIY Animism (formerly DIY Totemism); and Skin Spirits! These were originally published between 2006 and 2009 by Megalithica Books, an imprint of Immanion Press. My parting with them is on good … Continue reading Updated Editions of Early Books Now Available!

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Deep Ancestral Animal Spirits, Part One

Note: This post was originally posted on No Unsacred Place in 2012, and then later Paths Through the Forests. I am moving it over here so I can have more of my writings in one place. The human brain is a fascinating thing. I had already learned a good deal about it just in personal … Continue reading Deep Ancestral Animal Spirits, Part One

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Shapeshifting Into Kin: Part Two

Note: This post was originally posted on No Unsacred Place in 2011, and then later Paths Through the Forests. I am moving it over here so I can have more of my writings in one place. This is part two of a two-part series; you may read part one here. There are many purposes for shapeshifting—celebration, … Continue reading Shapeshifting Into Kin: Part Two

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Start With the Animals and the World Will Appear

Last weekend I presented my Nature Spirituality From the Ground Up workshop at FaerieWorlds. It’s one of my favorite topics, because I’m helping workshop participants connect with their bioregion through the animal, plant, fungus and other totems there. It’s also frustrating as there’s so… Continue Reading

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