The State of the Path: Atheopaganism in 2019

Atheopaganism is a particular spiritual/religious path: a subset of both Paganism and atheism. There are other atheistic Pagan paths, so ours isn’t the only one, but our particular path has now existed for ten years and has been steadily growing for five. I thought that for my first post of 2019, I would talk a … Continue reading The State of the Path: Atheopaganism in 2019

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CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS for the Atheopagan Blog

Atheopaganism is a collaborative enterprise: a constellation of individual practices that share certain things in common, like a naturalistic cosmology, a set of values and principles, and ritual practices that enact, invoke and embody our celebration of the world and of living. We all do it a little differently, and that’s a part of its beauty: it … Continue reading CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS for the Atheopagan Blog

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A Reminder: Atheopaganism Has a Patreon!

Providing thoughtful material and useful resources for Atheopagans and managing our growing community on Facebook (1,139 members as of today!) takes time, reflection, and work. I do it because I truly feel called to the task, and gratified that so many are gravitating to our Pagan, atheist path. It is a privilege to support and … Continue reading A Reminder: Atheopaganism Has a Patreon!

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Themes for Atheopagan “Welcoming” Gatherings

This past weekend, a handful of us threw a successful Atheopagan gathering for the Harvest Sabbath. Not everyone there was an Atheopagan. Not everyone there had even heard of Atheopaganism. But we ate and drank and socialized and circled together, and a good time was had by all. And isn’t that the point? Where I’m going with … Continue reading Themes for Atheopagan “Welcoming” Gatherings

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A Warm, Relaxed Gathering for Harvest

Due to the low turnout for Moon Meet 2018, those of us in attendance at that event had a discussion about how best to make local Atheopagan in-person events more accessible and attractive. Some of our conjectures were that it was asking too much to expect people to come for a multiple-day event for their first … Continue reading A Warm, Relaxed Gathering for Harvest

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A Virtual Hug

A little more than two years ago, I wrote a celebration of the feeling of “coming home” that has so frequently characterized people’s responses as they join the Atheopagan community. Since then, the Atheopaganism Facebook group has doubled in size. We have had amazing, informative, stimulating and heartfelt conversations, which have generally remained civil even on fraught subjects. … Continue reading A Virtual Hug

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What If We Are Screwed?

John Halstead very eloquently and thoroughly puts the question to us in his post “’Everything is Going According to Plan’”: Being an Activist in the Anthropocene”. Take time to read the whole thing. It’s well worth it. So really: what if it’s simply too late for any kind of peaceful transition to a sustainable post-disastrous civilization, and … Continue reading What If We Are Screwed?

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