Some Facts about the Equal Rights Setback in the United States May Surprise you; by Starstuff, Contemplating

It’s not about “life” or “babies”.  It never was.

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Lunar Eclipse (Freezing Blood Moon) this Thursday night (Nov 18-19th)! Here are some Ritual ideas. [Stardust, Contemplating]

Even though it will be more than 220,000 miles away, the stunning spectacle of the Lunar Eclipse will soon capture the gaze of many millions of people.  What do you have planned for this magical time? Though we’ve had rain…

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Practice Spotlight: Yule Calendar – There is still time to enjoy this practice this year! [Stardust, Contemplating]

One of the many reasons I love our Pagan community and Path is because they’re fun.  Because we affirm the value of enjoyment, and don’t attach guilt to having fun, we can let loose and enjoy a party, a gathering,…

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