The World Needs Her Witches, by Phyllis Curott, Witch and Wiccan Priestess

A response to David Brooks New York Times 6/11/19 Op Ed David Brooks is right to quote from the Tara Isabella Burton essay in The American Interest, “Wicca … is technically the fastest-growing religion in America.”    But he misses…

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Book Review Special: Malala Yousafzai and Maajid Nawaz by Megan Manson

“Extremists have shown what frightens them the most: a girl with a book.” – Malala Yousafzai On May 22nd, Salman Ramadan Abedi bombed the Manchester Arena following a concert by Ariana Grande. He used a nail bomb, designed to maim and mutilate….

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If You Break The Law To Stop Free Expression, You’re Just Being Lazy by Megan Manson

Every now and then, something happens that acts as a sad reminder that there’s a minority of people who do not accept my religion, and want to go out of their way to see it crushed. And sometimes, they’ll resort to illegal actions to achieve this.

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[A Pedagogy of Gaia] Science in Service to Mother Earth, by Bart Everson

Science is, after all, an endeavor of humans and our machines. What would it mean to put this endeavor at the service of Mother Earth? Presumably, our efforts must always be guided by human discernment, in all its fallibility. Who decides what best serves this vision of the Greater Good?

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