Got your house decorated yet? Samhain (the Fall Equitherm) is less than a month away! For many of us (including me), this is one of the most sacred times of the year – a time when I feel my Ancestors…
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Pagan Bloggers with Naturalistic Worldviews
Got your house decorated yet? Samhain (the Fall Equitherm) is less than a month away! For many of us (including me), this is one of the most sacred times of the year – a time when I feel my Ancestors…
Read moreIn the Northern Hemisphere, the Fall Equinox is celebrated in three weeks (it is September 22nd this year) as Mabon, also called Harvest Home. (Those in the Southern Hemisphere celebrate the Spring Equinox, Ostara, at this time.) While every year…
Read moreCelebrations Heat! Productivity! Success! Growing Darkness! These and many other themes join with the baking of bread and early harvest celebrations of Lunasa. What could better exemplify heat and productivity than the casting of molten metal into Atheopagan medallions? Check…
Read moreHidden life beneath the snow and ice… How many of us have seen vole and mouse trails under the snow? They are hidden now, but with a careful eye you might see them when the start to appear as the…
Read moreLooking back helps us in many ways – it can increase our understanding of ourselves, showing us both good things to build upon and areas to watch. As the year starts, looking back at the top posts of 2019 can…
Read moreHow are your celebration plans coming? With less than 4 weeks left before Yule (the Winter Solstice), I have to admit I’ve got only a little ready. For many of us, this is a big Sabbat, which takes a more…
Read moreIn many ways (not all!), this is a great time to be alive. In addition to benefits of medicine and technology, my Samhain observance (and indeed, my life overall) is enhanced by a large and growing body of knowledge about…
Read moreGot your house decorated yet? Samhain (the Fall Equitherm) is less than two weeks away! For many of us (including me), this is one of the most sacred times of the year – a time when I feel my Ancestors…
Read moreIn the Northern Hemisphere, the Fall Equinox is celebrated in less than two weeks (it is September 22nd this year in the Eastern Pacific, but on the 23rd in Europe and most of the United States) as Mabon, also called…
Read moreCelebrations Heat! Productivity! Success! Growing Darkness! These and many other themes join with the baking of bread and early harvest celebrations of Lunasa. What better time to remember the success of the Apollo program, landing a human on the moon…
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