Name Change for The Critical Thinking Witch Collective, and an online Conference! September 30 to October 2

Some of the panel discussions are shown here, and include Atheists, Secular, Agnostic Witchcraft; Divination; Cultural Intersectionality, and the Placebo Effect. The full schedule is here.  Scholarships are available! 

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You can go to the Women of Color Beyond Belief Conference! It’s September 30 – October 2nd, and is both virtual or in person (Chicago).

The concept behind THE WONDER—named, of course, for the awe and reverence we feel as we contemplate the magnificent Universe—is that it will be an ongoing resource for non-theist Pagans to inform and inspire our practices and stimulate our thinking.

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Humanism 2.0: humanity’s last monotheistic religion? – Part II,  by Alex Shenderov, Ph.D.

Rather the defining characteristics of Nature Religions should be evident in how their adherents live their religion.  Belief in the absolute sacredness of Nature transforms people’s everyday actions and their relationship with their natural environments. I call this new way of life “the Earth Path”.  Initially it is a journey of discovery and transformation in which one develops a radical ecological consciousness, loosing the estrangement from nature so prevalent in our modern lives.

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An Interview with Mandisa Thomas, from Black Nonbelievers! Recent Episodes of THE WONDER podcast, by Mark Green

The concept behind THE WONDER—named, of course, for the awe and reverence we feel as we contemplate the magnificent Universe—is that it will be an ongoing resource for non-theist Pagans to inform and inspire our practices and stimulate our thinking.

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My, What Big Eyes YOU Have! The Webb Telescope Means We All have Bigger Eyes! [Starstuff, Contemplating]

Isn’t The Wonder podcast great?  It’s got so much help for new Pagans, and somehow still has new insights for those of us who’ve been doing this for years.  One of those new insights jumped out at me when I was listening to an episode of The Wonder a little while ago. 

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