“The Ancestors” Includes so, so Much! by Starstuff, Contemplating

It could be a really good show tonight!

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The Land Spoke to Us of our Ancestors – with Radioactive Wonder, by Starstuff, Contemplating

I also find it interesting that these people were all barefoot. 

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Your Voice can be Heard! Step up for the Pagan Census – t’s only open for a few more days!

As the witchcraft community is both misrepresented and underrepresented in mainstream politics and media, compiling regular quantitative data on our practices, beliefs, behaviors, and lives will enable us to demonstrate that there are actually a LOT of us out there. That we deserve to have the same religious and political protections and rights as other groups and that our voices matter too. 

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THE NEW AMERICAN RELIGIONS OF NATURE: Part 1 – DOING ECO-THEOLOGY IN THE ANTHROPOCENE,  by Wayne Martin Mellinger, Ph.D. [The Dionysian Naturalist]

Rather the defining characteristics of Nature Religions should be evident in how their adherents live their religion.  Belief in the absolute sacredness of Nature transforms people’s everyday actions and their relationship with their natural environments. I call this new way of life “the Earth Path”.  Initially it is a journey of discovery and transformation in which one develops a radical ecological consciousness, loosing the estrangement from nature so prevalent in our modern lives.

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