Discover Your Astounding Family Tree at the next Earth-based Spirituality Action Team meeting, Monday, Feb. 12!

Imagine being in a family of marvels – an aunt who discovered DNA, a nephew who can fly, a cousin who can swim as fast as Olympic swimmers, and more. It’s real! Science shows that all life on Earth is our literal family – and that connection fills me with joy and awe.

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Again we see that in an overculture of Monotheistic Privilege, it’s quite socially acceptable to spread hateful lies about Pagans – by Starstuff, Contemplating

The main thing that this article says to me is that monotheistic privilege is still alive, well, and harmful in America today, being a driving force on the right and still very present on the left.  It shows that it’s still quite socially acceptable, due to our overculture of monotheistic privilege, to foment the disparagement of Pagans through spreading lies – and indeed, often not socially acceptable to point out that this is what is being done. 

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News Flash! The bright star Betelgeuse will be occulted (eclipsed) by an Asteroid Tomorrow Night (December 11-12) – only visible in a narrow band, or online

For many of our Ancestors, eclipses were times of terror and dread.  Now we can forecast them with precision down to a fraction of a second, and understand well what is going on.  Plus, we can even predict events with a narrower path of view – like the once in a lifetime “eclipse” of Betelgeuse (the bright red star of Orion’s left hand) by an asteroid!

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Yule (the Winter Solstice) is coming up fast, + a bunch of Online Rituals!

The longer nights around Winter Solstice give more dark skies for the Northern lights – with increasing chances as Solar Cycle 25 ramps up! For many of us, this is a big Sabbat, which takes a more preparation (and if you are buying gifts, the Naturalistic Pagan Gift List here might help).  

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