The idea of honoring Heroic Ancestors came to me a few years ago when my grove was working on a Lughnassadh ritual and we wanted to connect with our inner warriors. … I’ve always had a great deal of reverence for a number of modern heroes, including Harriet Tubman, Eleanor Roosevelt, and Martin Luther King Jr. The rite was a wonderful success, empowering each of us to strive to be more like those people who had come before.
Read moreForemothers by Glenys Livingstone Ph.D.
Women’s Spirituality emerged in the 1970’s and 80’s as a major component of the “second wave” of the women’s liberation movement. On this site you will meet some of the Foremothers of that emergence, many of whom are actively continuing and evolving their work today.
Read moreHumbolt’s Vision of Nature, by Brock Haussamen
When I read today about reverence for nature, anxiety about the climate, and the fused destinies of humans and the environment, I hear Humboldt loud and clear.
Read moreThe Moon Steps Aside to give us the Perseid Meteor Shower! by Starstuff, Contemplating
She thought she could now actually feel the Earth turn–not just imagine it in her head, but really feel it in the pit of her stomach. It was like descending in a fast elevator. She craned her neck back further,…
Read moreGenes Are Like Sentences, Genomes Are Like Books, by Brock Haussamen
Simplified though the comparison is, it’s startling what genetics and written language have in common considering that the second is a recent human invention and the first represents the formation of life almost four billion years ago.
Read moreIt’s Diversity All the Way Down, by Brock Haussamen
“The most impressive aspect of the living world is its diversity. No two individuals in sexually reproducing populations are the same, nor are any two populations, species, or higher taxa [categories of organisms]. Wherever one looks in nature, one finds…
Read moreHow Our Brains Often Get Things Wrong, by Brock Haussamen
If you’re feeling cynical about people and their errors and foolishness, a place to go to buttress your mood is Wikipedia’s List of Cognitive Biases. It describes more than 150 ways in which our thinking systematically deviates from objective observation and…
Read moreSurvivors and the Terminator, by Brock Haussamen
Horseshoe crabs, after half a billion years, still crowd the beach. ( The story of biological evolution recounts the ways that most plants and animals have changed over time as small bodily variations improved their odds of survival. But what…
Read moreSave Herbalists from ‘Alternative Medicine’ By Rua Lupa
Herbal Medicine has merit, there is ample evidence and tests on herbal medicine performing better than a placebo and working as an effective treatment. It is clearly Medicine, so why has it been lumped into the ‘Alternative’ category here?
Read moreBlack Lives and Sacred Humanity, A Book Review by Emile Wayne
This book is an important philosophical and spiritual resource for all those currently working towards racial justice, especially for those who do so outside the frameworks of specific religious traditions.
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