Genes Are Like Sentences, Genomes Are Like Books, by Brock Haussamen

Simplified though the comparison is, it’s startling what genetics and written language have in common considering that the second is a recent human invention and the first represents the formation of life almost four billion years ago.

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It’s Diversity All the Way Down, by Brock Haussamen

“The most impressive aspect of the living world is its diversity. No two individuals in sexually reproducing populations are the same, nor are any two populations, species, or higher taxa [categories of organisms]. Wherever one looks in nature, one finds…

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Neanderthals, by Kansas Stanton

This proves that our relation to Neandertals are not bound strictly by DNA, but by the shared humanity of understanding, the importance of storytelling, and ritualizing rites of passage. The more we segregate and conceit ourselves from the history of Earth’s species and where we come from, the more this is mirrored toward our human peers within our day-to-day activities, and to the shared animals of our planet.

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The Spring Equinox Approaches…

For me, the growing daylight (reinforced by the start of Daylight Savings Time) is a reminder from our Earth itself, one of those many helpful features of our seasons, to begin thinking about, and planning for, the Spring Equinox/Ostara.  Another reminder – one that is rather bizarre – is the appearance of a “warm-blooded” plant that smells like a zombie!

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