How Our Brains Often Get Things Wrong, by Brock Haussamen

If you’re feeling cynical about people and their errors and foolishness, a place to go to buttress your mood is Wikipedia’s List of Cognitive Biases. It describes more than 150 ways in which our thinking systematically deviates from objective observation and…

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What a Fossil can Teach us, by Kansas Stanton

If we continue with our harmful habits and routines that maintain the current path toward global warming, then we will become another fossilized tree stump. But if we can learn from the history of what this can do, and stop our mistakes from continuing, then we will someday look back at this and be grateful to have the chance to camp in old-growth forests again.

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The Atheist Persecution Complex

No, I’m sorry, but being “forced” to listen to a prayer in a Unitarian church is not oppression, especially in light of the serious, systemic, and pervasive oppression of people of color in our society.

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Survivors and the Terminator, by Brock Haussamen

Horseshoe crabs, after half a billion years, still crowd the beach.  ( The story of biological evolution recounts the ways that most plants and animals have changed over time as small bodily variations improved their odds of survival. But what…

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This Historic Moment (Part II), by [Starstuff, Contemplating]

Not all that long ago, outright, young earth creationists (YEC) outnumbered those of us who rejected supernatural views of our history by five to one here in American.  Today I thankful that, for the first time in American history, the…

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“The Dead Can Dance: Ancestors as the Foundation of Place and Time” by Mathieu Thiem

The third in a 4-part series, originally published at The Woven Song. IV. Ancestors as the Foundation of Place and Time (Earth) “The crucible of making human beings is death – every culture worth a damn knows that.” – Stephen…

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“The Dead Can Dance: The Mythic Ecology of Ancestry” by Mathieu Thiem

The second in a 4-part series, originally published at The Woven Song. III. The Mythic Ecology of Ancestry (Water) “There was a time, the myths tell us, when the link between animals, humans and the land was fluid, magical. The…

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