The fourth in a 4-part series, originally published at The Woven Song. V. The Inspiration of Ancestors (Air) “Every breath is a sacrament, an affirmation of our connection with all other living things, a renewal of our link with our…
Read more“The Dead Can Dance: Ancestors as the Foundation of Place and Time” by Mathieu Thiem
The third in a 4-part series, originally published at The Woven Song. IV. Ancestors as the Foundation of Place and Time (Earth) “The crucible of making human beings is death – every culture worth a damn knows that.” – Stephen…
Read more“The Dead Can Dance: The Mythic Ecology of Ancestry” by Mathieu Thiem
The second in a 4-part series, originally published at The Woven Song. III. The Mythic Ecology of Ancestry (Water) “There was a time, the myths tell us, when the link between animals, humans and the land was fluid, magical. The…
Read more“The Dead Can Dance: The Totemism of Evolution” by Mathieu Thiem
The first in a 4-part series, originally published at The Woven Song. I. Falling Towards the Ancestors (Sacred Space) “When the leaves fall, the bones are laid bare. Old scars are revealed.” – Émile Wayne Hauntings of autumn are carried…
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