Get Ready for a Great Perseid Meteor Shower this Year! August 11-14, by Starstuff, Contemplating

If you have clear skies Friday, Saturday, or Sunday night, consider celebrating as my family does – by seeing these wonders, just as our Ancestors have seen them for many thousands of years.  Do you have a chance to share this sacred moment with a child?

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Bill Bryson’s “A Short History of Nearly Everything”, Review by Brock Haussamen

When I read today about reverence for nature, anxiety about the climate, and the fused destinies of humans and the environment, I hear Humboldt loud and clear.

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One of Many American Rituals, by Starstuff, Contemplating

What objects do you find sacred?  Being able to openly pledge based on what symbolizes the most high in our minds is a precious part of being free, and, it turns out, a moving statement about what is important. A…

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Blasphemy Victory! Now, go Vote! by Starstuff, Contemplating

Victory!  The people of Ireland legalize honesty in an historic vote, amending their constitution to legalize blasphemy.  Votes matter.  If you are an American, your vote matters too.  Please vote Tuesday, November 6th.  As we hoped for, we got our…

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Blasphemy! by Starstuff, Contemplating

Blasphemy laws are one of the most egregious and severe forms of religious privilege.  It is the use of state-sponsored violence to attack someone for speaking in ways that religious leaders don’t like.   Yet many countries, including the United States,…

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The Moon Steps Aside to give us the Perseid Meteor Shower! by Starstuff, Contemplating

She thought she could now actually feel the Earth turn–not just imagine it in her head, but really feel it in the pit of her stomach. It was like descending in a fast elevator. She craned her neck back further,…

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