Turns Out, I’ve Been Living in an Atheopagan Focus

A guest post by Kaigi-Ron.  It was the knives that first pointed me to the truth.   Seven of them stood at attention by my sink (fastened in magnetic rigor by the new strip I’d just installed), adjacent to the Hello Kitty curtains.   And I was struck:  OMG, I have a living Housewives Tarot card … Continue reading Turns Out, I’ve Been Living in an Atheopagan Focus

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Miracles of Reality: Reflections on the Impending Solar Eclipse

It’s spectacular. Seriously. When I was a little kid, my parents took me to North Carolina to view a total eclipse of the Sun. I couldn’t have been more than six, but I remember those 2-1/2 minutes of totality vividly, right down to the taste of the chives growing in the field where my father … Continue reading Miracles of Reality: Reflections on the Impending Solar Eclipse

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