What’s that Flopping Noise? Ancestors? Yes! Wishing you a Happy Samhain! by Starstuff, Contemplating

As Samhain draws near, our billions of Ancestors begin to visit us.  Who are they?  What can they offer you for your struggles today?  They can help you anytime during the year – not just now – if you ask.

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Ways to Empower your Samhain Amid the Pandemic

Oh no!  Covid-19 has put group rituals on hold, and what about the kids?  There are plenty of good options to have a very sacred Samhain (and celebrate the rare Samhain Blue Moon!), while keeping yourself – and others- safe.  Here are some of them, for both Rituals and Trick-or-Treating.

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One More Chance to see a Bright Mars, until 2035! by Starstuff, Contemplating

If you have clear skies Friday, Saturday, or Sunday night, consider celebrating as my family does – by seeing these wonders, just as our Ancestors have seen them for many thousands of years.  Do you have a chance to share this sacred moment with a child?

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Get Ready for a Great Perseid Meteor Shower this Year! August 11-14, by Starstuff, Contemplating

If you have clear skies Friday, Saturday, or Sunday night, consider celebrating as my family does – by seeing these wonders, just as our Ancestors have seen them for many thousands of years.  Do you have a chance to share this sacred moment with a child?

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Time + Tenacity = Hope, by Mark Green

I will look up at that red Moon this Saturday, and I expect I will cry: cry at its beauty, cry at the passage of the years, cry in relief that I have had these 38 years since my night under the blood Moon of July 4, 1982.

Friends, I don’t know whether it is possible to communicate this except by living it, but if it is, please know: it can get better.

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Lupa’s Essential Books For Pagans

Sorry I’m not handing you yet another rehash of the Wiccan Sabbats or a bunch of spells. Over the past few years my paganism has become much more firmly rooted in the physical, and my reading list reflects that. After all, what good is a nature-based path if you don’t know diddly about nature itself?

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Robbing Fox to Save Rabbit, by Lupa

We need to return to an ancestral way in which nature is not an Other, but an Us. If we truly love nature, if we consider ourselves friends to the animals, then we need to know nature itself, through books and observations, through science and questioning. We need to know the rest of nature as well as we know ourselves.

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