Animism for the Religious Naturalist

Animists see a world that is full of other-than-human persons, including salmon persons, tree persons, and even rock persons. It is difficult for many Westerners to understand the concept of other-than-human persons, especially when talking about (seemingly) “inanimate objects” like rocks. But for the animist, there is no such thing as inanimate matter, because it is all a part of the complex self-regulating living system called Gaia. Animism is not about the projection of consciousness or agency onto non-human things, but about respect and reciprocity within a more-than-human community that transcends the subject-object dichotomy.

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The Atheopagan Calendar of Moons: an Optional Set of New Observances

In the Atheopagan Saturday Zoom Mixer conversation this week, the group came up with a fantastic idea: to correlate the 13 Atheopagan Principles with the 13 cycles of the Moon each year, and observe each Moon as a time to contemplate and celebrate that particular Principle. This is optional, of course. You don’t have to … Continue reading The Atheopagan Calendar of Moons: an Optional Set of New Observances

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The Next 70 Days are Critical – What can you do to help? by Starstuff, Contemplating

We stand at an historic time, and the upcoming election will determine a lot about the world we will leave to future generations.  As Naturalistic Pagans, our focus is on this real world, and we can put our spirituality into…

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