Winter Solstice 2018

“The Rebirth of the Sun,” adapted from Starhawk’s story in Circle Round: By this time of year, the sun has grown old and tired. All year long the sun has worked hard, rising and setting, shining and shining, day after day. The sun has fed us throughout the year, giving energy to trees, flowers, and grasses […]

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Blasphemy Victory! Now, go Vote! by Starstuff, Contemplating

Victory!  The people of Ireland legalize honesty in an historic vote, amending their constitution to legalize blasphemy.  Votes matter.  If you are an American, your vote matters too.  Please vote Tuesday, November 6th.  As we hoped for, we got our…

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Dandelion Decomp

My family and I are back home after the Tejas Web Regional Dandelion Gathering, a lovely weekend of camping and circling with other Reclaiming Witches in the Texas Hill Country. We arrived a day later than planned, because this one woke up with a mysterious tail injury requiring X-rays and medications the morning we planned […]

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