Spirituality Without Politics Is Lame

A politics without spirituality is blind, but a spirituality without politics is lame.  And that is why I worry about an apolitical spirituality.  I worry that individual spiritual practice in isolation from engagement with the world will never lead to real personal development and thus never lead to positive social change. And I worry about an apolitical spirituality which tells us that we need to accept the world as it is because we are powerless to change it.  Finally, sitting back and practicing equanimity and a contemplative attitude is a privilege that many people do not have.  It is not a option for many people of color.  It is not a option for many gay, lesbian, queer or transgendered people have.  It is not an option for many poor people or for many women.

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Leave the Witchy Kitsch At the Store, Please

Note: This article was first posted over at my now-defunct Patheos blog. Due to contractual disagreements, which included them refusing to remove my posts from their site after repeated requests, I am moving some of my writing over here. Please link to this version… Continue Reading

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Lupa’s Essential Books For Pagans

Hi, folks! Sorry for the radio silence; my head hasn’t been in pagan space much lately so I’ve been dealing with a bit of writer’s block in that direction. I’m starting to come out of it a bit, though, and I have a few… Continue Reading

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Our Deadly Lack of Nature Literacy

Note: This was originally posted on my Patheos blog in 2015; Patheos still has not taken down my content even though I have made formal requests for them to do so. So I am copying over some of my posts to my personal blog… Continue Reading

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