Not surprisingly, God, Change, shape, and Earthseed were the most common. Variations of life, adapt, Destiny, partner, learn, and teach had high occurrences as well. Some surprises were the high frequency of new, Self, and death.
Read moreA Few Rules For Predicting The Future by Octavia E. Butler
“There’s no single answer that will solve all of our future problems. There’s no magic bullet. Instead there are thousands of answers–at least. You can be one of them if you choose to be.”
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Why Worldview Matters: A Response to Kimberly Kirner
To conclude, worldview matters. It’s not all that matters. But it is part of the dynamic which drives human action, which also includes our material conditions and our social relations. If we want to effect radical change, then we must work to change all three of these, including those “interior states” like worldview or paradigm, spirituality and religious belief.
Jumping into Change
God is Change. There is no holding on the the present. I can only embrace the ceaseless flow of Change and do what I can to Shape God now.
Read moreA Season of Possibility
This is the season of possibility. I see a lot of possibility for Earthseed. Here’s some of the things I see on our horizon.
Read moreAll Things Change? by Thomas Schenk
When we conscientiously set goals, we are engaged in an activity that has its roots in the processes that shaped galaxies from the raw material of the Big Bang and that shaped oak trees from chemical information in the nucleus of a seed. In terms of matter, “we are stardust,” but in terms of our conscious intentions, we are of the very thing that shaped stars out of the primordial nebulae — we are an intentional part of the great process of the World.
Looking for the Spark: Waiting on God
This is number two in a projected 6 part series on an Earthseed Wintermaesse. We are Earthseed The life that perceives itself Changing. ∞ = Δ The… Read more “Looking for the Spark: Waiting on God”
Wintermaesse: An Introduction to a Season of Change
To survive, Let the past Teach you— Past customs, Struggles, Leaders and thinkers. Let These Help you. Let them inspire you, Warn you, Give you strength. But… Read more “Wintermaesse: An Introduction to a Season of Change”
They sowed Change, so we must Shape it.
People voted for change, but it seems many did so indiscriminately. They wanted change, any change at all. And, as a result, we will all reap the whirlwind. But we are not powerless. They sowed Change, so we must Shape it.
Read more2016: Why Earthseed Now? A personal mosaic.
The following was written before Election Day, 2016. Now, its mention of concerns about 3rd party voting seems almost quaint, just 3 days after the result, given… Read more “2016: Why Earthseed Now? A personal mosaic.”