“The Dead Can Dance: Ancestors as the Foundation of Place and Time” by Mathieu Thiem

The third in a 4-part series, originally published at The Woven Song. IV. Ancestors as the Foundation of Place and Time (Earth) “The crucible of making human beings is death – every culture worth a damn knows that.” – Stephen…

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“The Dead Can Dance: The Mythic Ecology of Ancestry” by Mathieu Thiem

The second in a 4-part series, originally published at The Woven Song. III. The Mythic Ecology of Ancestry (Water) “There was a time, the myths tell us, when the link between animals, humans and the land was fluid, magical. The…

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“The Dead Can Dance: The Totemism of Evolution” by Mathieu Thiem

The first in a 4-part series, originally published at The Woven Song. I. Falling Towards the Ancestors (Sacred Space) “When the leaves fall, the bones are laid bare. Old scars are revealed.” – Émile Wayne Hauntings of autumn are carried…

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Teaching Death to Naturalistic Pagan Children, Addendum – by [Starstuff, Contemplating]

In the earlier post on teaching children about death, Kansas covered several important points.  In teaching those, the additional ones mentioned above, basic family discussions (such as when a pet dies, hopefully before a relative dies), and more, the following resources could be useful.

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[Starsuff, Contemplating] This Summer’s Eclipse will be Beyond Words!

The total eclipse this August 21st will hold dozens of millions of people in awe (including both Americans and eclipse chasers), and will be the most photographed, selfied, live streamed, and documented moment in the history of the Universe up to now, …

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