Canadian Atheist Interviews Jon Cleland Host, Part 1

Throughout all of this, It’s been wonderful to connect with other Pagans in the wider Pagan community, and join in many different rituals and celebrations. It can be a tricky balance at times between my own hard-nosed naturalism/atheism and the prevalence of pseudoscience/woo in the wider Pagan community. I sometimes have to remind myself to consider if a supernatural belief is very harmful or not, but overall it’s been great to simply enjoy a ritual with others, even if we personally think of the language used differently – such as if many others see a deity as literal and I see a metaphor. After all, no one thinks anyone is going to hell for being a heretic.

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Light Pollution, by Katerina and William (Science Editorial Team)

Recently, a study was published that named light pollution as one of the factors contributing to the decline in numbers of fireflies worldwide.  The abundance of artificial light in the environment is confusing the nocturnal beetles, and can thereby impede…

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Announcing our Science Editorial Team!

Announcing our new Science Editorial Team!  I’m overjoyed at both the response to our call for science input as well as the team we have now as a result! Both the undestanding of science, and especially the respect for evidence,…

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The Last Mercury Transit until 2032 just started! Cloudy? You can see it happening online! [Stardust, Contemplating]

It’s common for us Pagans to be among those most aware of what the planet Mercury is doing, and while going retrograde happens every few months (~3 times a year) a Mercury transit (when Mercury “eclipses”* the Sun) is much,…

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50 Years ago today we Walked on the Moon! Happy Moon Landing Day! [Stardust, Contemplating]

Happy Moon Landing Day!!  Many of the incredible aspects of this historic event can be found in the earlier Moon Landing post, including ritual and celebration ideas for today’s 50 year anniversary. It’s hard to understate the magnitude of this…

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Can you believe that we Walked on the Moon 50 Years ago?! Here are some Ritual ideas for the Anniversary on July 20. [Stardust, Contemplating]

Some crabs migrate based on the Moon.  Oysters close.  Worms mate.  All these and so many more are ruled by the Moon.  For billions of years, the Moon has changed life on Earth, and our Ancestors evolved in it’s light,…

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7 Minutes of Terror, November 26th, 2018! [Starstuff, Contemplating]

Thank you for doing your part – and I hope we all see a successful landing!  I don’t have a ritual written out, but I have performed a short ritual which brought this up and called to both our Ancestors and future generations.  Even though my little ritual won’t make a successful landing any more likely, it does great things for me.  Blessed be.

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