Pagans Scapegoated Again, as Privilege Misleads Millions of People, by [Starstuff, Contemplating]

Imagine for a moment that repeated terrorist attacks killed dozens of people, and continued to be motivated, by the killer’s own words, by a Jihad to fight for Islam.  Imagine that these same killers mentioned how they have been motivated…

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The May Cross-Quarter (Vernal Equitherm or Beltane) is just two weeks away!

The Vernal Equitherm (Beltane) is coming!  For those in the Northern Hemisphere, spring is well and truly coming and summer is around the corner.  Flora is bursting to life even in the northern climes, and fauna frolicks in the verdure. Those in the Southern Hemisphere experience the opposite, as autumn passes into winter.

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The Spring Equinox Approaches…

For me, the growing daylight (reinforced by the start of Daylight Savings Time) is a reminder from our Earth itself, one of those many helpful features of our seasons, to begin thinking about, and planning for, the Spring Equinox/Ostara.  Another reminder – one that is rather bizarre – is the appearance of a “warm-blooded” plant that smells like a zombie!

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