The Spring Equinox Approaches…

For me, the growing daylight (reinforced by the start of Daylight Savings Time) is a reminder from our Earth itself, one of those many helpful features of our seasons, to begin thinking about, and planning for, the Spring Equinox/Ostara.  Another reminder – one that is rather bizarre – is the appearance of a “warm-blooded” plant that smells like a zombie!

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Another Opportunity to bring Joy to Kids, with “Stardust Explores the Solar System”!

Now we have another opportunity.  The success of “My Name is Stardust”, including radio shows and worldwide recognition has led to a second edition, “Stardust Explores the Solar System”, which has a kickstarter campaign being launched today! 

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“Getting to Naturalism the Long Way Around” by Christopher Stanley

Naturalism is a perspective that seeks to correct that error of interpretation. It seeks to pull away the countless layers of separatist story we began cultivating some ten thousand years ago along with our first crops. It seeks to restore a conscious experience of our sentient relationship with the world. And in doing so, also return us to a lived awareness of the true beauty, mystery, and sacredness of the world that is our birthright.

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