This image, meme, came across my Facebook feed and unexpectedly became a prompt, having coaxed memories I nearly forgotten.
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Pagan Bloggers with Naturalistic Worldviews
This image, meme, came across my Facebook feed and unexpectedly became a prompt, having coaxed memories I nearly forgotten.
Read moreThe main thing that this article says to me is that monotheistic privilege is still alive, well, and harmful in America today, being a driving force on the right and still very present on the left. It shows that it’s still quite socially acceptable, due to our overculture of monotheistic privilege, to foment the disparagement of Pagans through spreading lies – and indeed, often not socially acceptable to point out that this is what is being done.
Read moreI simply find myself asking, “what is the point?” and get the sense that it is the feeling of emotional connection that is being sought out, and familiar imagery can make that easier – hence the personification of nature. This is something that I am very wary of for one major reason – Nature is very complex and metaphorical personification of Nature, by its very nature, over simplifies these complexities.
Read morePagans again blamed for something they didn’t do? Say it ain’t so, Joe! It’s not a surprise, of course, that Christian privilege means that time after time, non-Christians (especially Pagans, because they can’t be demonized for being foreign) are vilified…
Read moreImagine for a moment that repeated terrorist attacks killed dozens of people, and continued to be motivated, by the killer’s own words, by a Jihad to fight for Islam. Imagine that these same killers mentioned how they have been motivated…
Read more…this isn’t a comprehensive dissertation, it’s just a short “cheat sheet” for grandma. Feel free to print out your own copy…
Read moreExisting in both the atheist world and in the Pagan, Atheopagans have the unique “good fortune” of fielding criticism from extreme elements of both. I’ve written before about Pagan fundamentalists who dismiss our religion as “not real Paganism. ” Today, we take a look at the atheist community’s counterpart: the so-called “anti-theists”. A vocal subset … Continue reading Talking with Atheists Who Dismiss Your Atheopagan Practice
Read moreNot all that long ago, outright, young earth creationists (YEC) outnumbered those of us who rejected supernatural views of our history by five to one here in American. Today I thankful that, for the first time in American history, the…
Its that time of year when Death is displayed in all its G(l)ory, and so is also a time when most families have to start the conversation on what Death is and how to come to terms with that.
Druidism, it is most commonly seen as being strictly Celtic, and that is the primary reason why I instead call myself a Saegoah – or alternatively to non-pagan aware folks, a Naturalist