This Historic Moment (Part II), by [Starstuff, Contemplating]

Not all that long ago, outright, young earth creationists (YEC) outnumbered those of us who rejected supernatural views of our history by five to one here in American.  Today I thankful that, for the first time in American history, the…

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Teaching Death to Naturalistic Pagan Children, Addendum – by [Starstuff, Contemplating]

In the earlier post on teaching children about death, Kansas covered several important points.  In teaching those, the additional ones mentioned above, basic family discussions (such as when a pet dies, hopefully before a relative dies), and more, the following resources could be useful.

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Massive Auroral Storm Last Night, More Possible Tonight! [Stardust, Contemplating]

The predicted shockwave slammed into our magnetosphere last light just as expected (thanks, science!), and further waves of particles in that blast that will likely continue the storm tonight (September 8th).  If you missed it last night, you might get a second chance.

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This Historic Moment (Part I), by [Starstuff, Contemplating]

As so many people, of all ages and in all areas of the country, flee a literal Bible, they will still have many of the very human needs supplied by traditional religions. How many of them will work to build naturalistic religions of various kinds? As Naturalistic Paganism and other naturalistic approaches to religion grow, I hope that they find fulfilling spiritualities that enhance their lives and build a better world for all.

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Spiritual Experiences: Fuel for Action [Starstuff, Contemplating]

These spiritual experiences are an astounding gift that can be powerful fuel for our actions – motivating us when other lights have gone out.  How could I receive that gift, and not want to use it responsibly, to help empower me to make a better world?  

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Building a Strong and Free Pagan Community

I hope that moving forward, we are able to disagree respectfully, as friends, to recognize our common goals and community, and sometimes, to join in powerful and moving rituals, regardless of the fact that some of us see the underlying basis of those rituals differently. With that, we might be able to bring a life-centered Paganism to millions, who might fit better into this or that part of our wider Pagan community, with many of us working together to build a better future for the whole web of life.

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