I’m beyond excited to report I got an article published in The Wild Hunt. Hearing Gaia’s Call This is, in fact, the long-delayed fruition of an essay which branched off from “Awakening to Gaia” some five years ago and developed a life of its own. Maybe someday I’ll get around to part three, “Singing Gaia’s […]
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Two Radio Spots
I recently made a trip to Indiana, as is my wont in the summertime. While I’m up there I always try to stir up some trouble. Some of my attempts are more successful than others. International Flag-Burning Day was a bust, for example. But there is evidence that some of my other provocations were more …
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Literal Gods Are for the Literal Minded: Re-Enchanting the Gods
The disenchantment of the world happened, not when we stopped seeing gods and spirits in nature, but when we stopped seeing our essential connection to nature. Personifying rivers and trees with dryads is not going to accomplish this. Rather, we need to realize our essential oneness, the manifold ways in which we are connected to the rivers and the trees–whether or not we find gods in them.

Literal Gods Are for the Literal Minded: Re-Enchanting Polytheism
The disenchantment of the world happened, not when we stopped seeing gods and spirits in nature, but when we stopped seeing our essential connection to nature. Personifying rivers and trees with dryads is not going to accomplish this. Rather, we need to realize our essential oneness, the manifold ways in which we are connected to the rivers and the trees–whether or not we find gods in them.
A Pagan Community Statement on the Planetary Ecosystem
Today is International Mother Earth Day. Yes, that’s the official name as designated by the United Nations. And isn’t that a more interesting, more compelling, juicier name? I wonder if it will ever catch on in these United States. I’ve heard it’s the largest secular holiday in the world, but many of us experience the …
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