A Winter Solstice/Yule episode just in time!, plus Self-Care, and more! Recent Episodes of THE WONDER podcast, by Mark Green

The concept behind THE WONDER—named, of course, for the awe and reverence we feel as we contemplate the magnificent Universe—is that it will be an ongoing resource for non-theist Pagans to inform and inspire our practices and stimulate our thinking.

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Yule (the Winter Solstice) is coming up fast, + a bunch of Online Rituals!

The longer nights around Winter Solstice give more dark skies for the Northern lights – Solar Cycle 25 has already proven to be very strong (see previous posts), with more to come! For many of us, this is a big Sabbat, which takes a more preparation (and if you are buying gifts, the Naturalistic Pagan Gift List here might help).  

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Solstice Gift Ideas for Naturalistic Pagans, 2024

Need a gift for a Naturalistic Pagan? Here’s a bunch of ideas! While we should declutter our lives and avoid gifts/things which we don’t need, many of these are essential to celebrating our Earth and especially for helping grow both critical thinking and the joy of our real world in both this and the next generation. Enjoy!

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Return to the Mother: A 5 day conference! November 24-29

For years and years, we Goddess-folk have chanted, sung and whispered–the Great Mother is returning! Now, in these challenging times, we are blessed with a deeply personal, profoundly universal book from the inimitable Glenys Livingstone. Buy this book, sisters. Read this book, brothers. Live this book, children of Our Sacred Mother.

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Check out this Medicine Wheel Presentation by Nikol Roubidoux, with EBSAT, on Monday Night November 11th, 8 pm EST!

Because our Wheel of the Year is a obvious observation of the seasons, it’s reflected in culture after culture the world over.  So while it’s not a surprise, it’s wonderful to see the parallels with the Native American Medicine Wheel.  Here’s a great talk on this subject, coming up tomorrow night!  Note that this is at 8 pm EST.

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The Threat to Science if Trump Wins, by Starstuff, Contemplating

The election is Tuesday, November 5th.  It’s expected to be very close, which in itself is an indictment of our society.  Please vote if you haven’t done so already!  In addition to all the harm a second Trump term could…

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Live from the Suntree Retreat! Plus Autumn, (Death, just in time for Samhain), and more! Recent Episodes of THE WONDER podcast, by Mark Green

The concept behind THE WONDER—named, of course, for the awe and reverence we feel as we contemplate the magnificent Universe—is that it will be an ongoing resource for non-theist Pagans to inform and inspire our practices and stimulate our thinking.

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