Pagans Scapegoated Again, this time in the UK – by Starstuff, Contemplating

Pagans again blamed for something they didn’t do?  Say it ain’t so, Joe! It’s not a surprise, of course, that Christian privilege means that time after time, non-Christians (especially Pagans, because they can’t be demonized for being foreign) are vilified…

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Robbing Fox to Save Rabbit, by Lupa

We need to return to an ancestral way in which nature is not an Other, but an Us. If we truly love nature, if we consider ourselves friends to the animals, then we need to know nature itself, through books and observations, through science and questioning. We need to know the rest of nature as well as we know ourselves.

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The Last Mercury Transit until 2032 just started! Cloudy? You can see it happening online! [Stardust, Contemplating]

It’s common for us Pagans to be among those most aware of what the planet Mercury is doing, and while going retrograde happens every few months (~3 times a year) a Mercury transit (when Mercury “eclipses”* the Sun) is much,…

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