Yes, You Can Be Part of Vulture Culture!

I recently got an email from someone who was interested in Vulture Culture, but felt like they couldn’t actually be a participating member of this “fandom” unless they were tanning their own hides and cleaning their own bones and otherwise processing their own specimens. It’s not the first time I’ve run into this, either. It’s … Continue reading Yes, You Can Be Part of Vulture Culture!

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The Invitation of Wild Geese

I feel like not enough people knew of Mary Oliver, who passed away on Friday at the age of 83. I myself, not being a huge fan of poetry, never heard of her work until just a few years ago. Somehow in my enjoyment… Continue Reading

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The Invitation of Wild Geese

I feel like not enough people knew of Mary Oliver, who passed away on Friday at the age of 83. I myself, not being a huge fan of poetry, never heard of her work until just a few years ago. Somehow in my enjoyment… Continue Reading

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Spirits in the Kitchen: Honoring the Remains of Our Food

[Main photo: rice and cheese stuffed crimini mushrooms, roasted acorn squash and red onion, and sauteed vegetables and mushrooms] The older I get, the more important food has become to me. For the first quarter century of my life, I couldn’t have cared less… Continue Reading

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