Institutionalized Elder Care is a Moral and Spiritual Problem – Naturalistic Pagans Can Help Solve It, by Renee Lehnen

Other than criminals, the elderly are the only people who are routinely kept in residential custody in the post-industrial world. The massive, brick edifices of the nineteenth century that housed the parentless, the impoverished, the mentally ill, and the disabled…

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Robbing Fox to Save Rabbit, by Lupa

We need to return to an ancestral way in which nature is not an Other, but an Us. If we truly love nature, if we consider ourselves friends to the animals, then we need to know nature itself, through books and observations, through science and questioning. We need to know the rest of nature as well as we know ourselves.

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Our Deadly Lack of Nature Literacy, by Lupa

We need to return to an ancestral way in which nature is not an Other, but an Us. If we truly love nature, if we consider ourselves friends to the animals, then we need to know nature itself, through books and observations, through science and questioning. We need to know the rest of nature as well as we know ourselves.

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Genes Are Like Sentences, Genomes Are Like Books, by Brock Haussamen

Simplified though the comparison is, it’s startling what genetics and written language have in common considering that the second is a recent human invention and the first represents the formation of life almost four billion years ago.

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