Simplified though the comparison is, it’s startling what genetics and written language have in common considering that the second is a recent human invention and the first represents the formation of life almost four billion years ago.
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Pagan Bloggers with Naturalistic Worldviews
Simplified though the comparison is, it’s startling what genetics and written language have in common considering that the second is a recent human invention and the first represents the formation of life almost four billion years ago.
Read more“The most impressive aspect of the living world is its diversity. No two individuals in sexually reproducing populations are the same, nor are any two populations, species, or higher taxa [categories of organisms]. Wherever one looks in nature, one finds…
Read moreWith the new year, we are starting a new series called, “What Naturalism Means to Me”. It is an opportunity for our readers, like you, to share what Naturalism means for you. We are looking for essays between 1000-3000 words. …
Read moreWith the new year, we are starting a new series called, “What Naturalism Means to Me”. It is an opportunity for our readers, like you, to share what Naturalism means for you. We are looking for essays between 1000-3000 words. …
Read moreNaturalism is the spirituality of the real. A celebration of this world, this cosmos, this humanity, this biosphere.
Read moreNow we have another opportunity. The success of “My Name is Stardust”, including radio shows and worldwide recognition has led to a second edition, “Stardust Explores the Solar System”, which has a kickstarter campaign being launched today!
Read moreNaturalism is a perspective that seeks to correct that error of interpretation. It seeks to pull away the countless layers of separatist story we began cultivating some ten thousand years ago along with our first crops. It seeks to restore a conscious experience of our sentient relationship with the world. And in doing so, also return us to a lived awareness of the true beauty, mystery, and sacredness of the world that is our birthright.
Read moreIf you’re feeling cynical about people and their errors and foolishness, a place to go to buttress your mood is Wikipedia’s List of Cognitive Biases. It describes more than 150 ways in which our thinking systematically deviates from objective observation and…
Horseshoe crabs, after half a billion years, still crowd the beach. ( The story of biological evolution recounts the ways that most plants and animals have changed over time as small bodily variations improved their odds of survival. But what…
Herbal Medicine has merit, there is ample evidence and tests on herbal medicine performing better than a placebo and working as an effective treatment. It is clearly Medicine, so why has it been lumped into the ‘Alternative’ category here?