Why Naturalism? Because This.

Yet another example of a Pagan in a leadership position using that position for sexual misconduct, citing woo-woo “spiritual” reasons involving disembodied entities and “magical bonds” as “explanations” for his abuse. How far would such hokum fly in a naturalistic Pagan community? Not. At all. Willingness to take someone’s word about supposed supernatural processes and … Continue reading Why Naturalism? Because This.

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Naturalistic Animism: Seeing the Trees for the Ents

It takes an artist’s eyes—or a lover’s—to really see. It takes a willingness to get our hands dirty, to get up close and personal with messy nature, and to use all of our senses. But most of all, it requires a willingness to be open to receiving, as well as perceiving—an openness to being “touched back” when we touch nature.

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Spiritual Experiences: Fuel for Action [Starstuff, Contemplating]

These spiritual experiences are an astounding gift that can be powerful fuel for our actions – motivating us when other lights have gone out.  How could I receive that gift, and not want to use it responsibly, to help empower me to make a better world?  

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Building a Strong and Free Pagan Community

I hope that moving forward, we are able to disagree respectfully, as friends, to recognize our common goals and community, and sometimes, to join in powerful and moving rituals, regardless of the fact that some of us see the underlying basis of those rituals differently. With that, we might be able to bring a life-centered Paganism to millions, who might fit better into this or that part of our wider Pagan community, with many of us working together to build a better future for the whole web of life.

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Announcing The New go-to Site for Naturalistic Pagan Blogging: NaturalPagans.com!

Today marks the official launch of NaturalPagans.com – a blog aggregator collecting new blog posts from the popular blogs “A Sense of Natural Wonder”, “Atheopaganism”, Humanistic Paganism”, “Canadian Mutt”, and “The Allergic Pagan”! You no longer have to remember to check all these different blogs – here they all are on one site, which you can subscribe to as well.

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A Call to Action – by Lupa

These are dangerous times, and it’s going to be hard to not feel despair. (I recommend the writings of Joanna Macy as a good antidote.) Engage in self-care when and as you need to, and keep building your resilience. If you feel all alone, remember that at least I’m here with you in this fight, and I have a pretty good bunch of people at my side, too. We’re in this together.

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[Starsuff, Contemplating] This Summer’s Eclipse will be Beyond Words!

The total eclipse this August 21st will hold dozens of millions of people in awe (including both Americans and eclipse chasers), and will be the most photographed, selfied, live streamed, and documented moment in the history of the Universe up to now, …

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