Why is Naturalism Radical?

One of the hottest points of contention between Atheopagans and both theists and hard-antitheist atheists has to do with naturalism. Naturalism is a philosophical position which holds that there is nothing which is not of the physical Universe: that there is nothing which is supernatural, and that such claimed supernatural phenomena as gods, spirits, souls, ghosts, … Continue reading Why is Naturalism Radical?

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Spring Tonic for the Spirit by Renee Lehnen

A trail following the creek leads to an Aboriginal sweat lodge. In addition, I found a “living” shelter woven from willow, hidden in a copse. Inside was a log pew for the weary spiritual seeker. Posted throughout the property are small signs bearing quotations from ecologists, First Nations leaders, and theologians such as Thomas Berry. There is much for a Pagan to explore.

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Why Contemporary Paganism Deserves to Die

I think it’s time — past time, in fact — to pull our collective heads out of the self-created broom closet. We need to set forth from our Pagan safe spaces, which have become intellectual ghettos, and move into the world. We start working together — with each other and with non-Pagans — for a better world.

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The May Cross-Quarter (Vernal Equitherm or Beltane) is just two weeks away!

The Vernal Equitherm (Beltane) is coming! It is the midpoint between the spring equinox and the summer solstice. For those in the Northern Hemisphere, spring is well and truly coming and summer is around the corner. Flora is bursting to life even in the northern climes, and fauna frolicks in the verdure. Those in the Southern Hemisphere experience the opposite, as autumn passes into winter.

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