What was life like on a Russian serf commune? Experience it today in our very first role-playing game episode! That’s right, we’re doing this as an RPG for an even more immersive experience. Be sure to support the show at www.patreon.com/deadideaspod t…
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Embracing Joy in Dark Days
Where I live, we are right at the fractal edge of spring: winter is stuttering, and between rains come bright, fresh days in the 70s, rich with the scent of flowering trees and lush grass. There is no doubt: the Wheel has turned. Winter has run its course. It’s days like these when the urge … Continue reading Embracing Joy in Dark Days
Read moreWelcome our new Science Editor, Kansas Stanton
Kansas Stanton is a Naturalistic Neo-Pagan who resides in Seattle, Washington. He belongs to, and practices with, a local group of Reform Pagans and blogs at https://leavesontheroad.wordpress.com/. He also volunteers every year at the Esoteric Book Con…
Read more[Dead Ideas] “Russian Serfdom I: You Got Serfed! – The Rise of Serfdom in Russia”, by B. T. Newberg
What is serfdom, and why did Russia take it up just as it was dying out elsewhere in Europe, then keep it all the way up till the mid-19th-century? This institution of near-slavery is the focus of our new epic series. Today, find out how you got serfed…
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Offerings For a Nature-Based Path
Note: This post was originally published at my old Patheos blog. It is unfortunately still there despite my resignation and request that they delete all my content. I had a request from another writer to link to this post, though they didn’t want to… Continue Reading
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Real Magic
Reality. It’s filled with marvels! It is not, however, filled with every marvel we can imagine. There are no dragons, nor unicorns. There are no pixies or fairies. And there is no “magic” in the sense of spellcasting, “charging” items with “power” or “energy”, hexes, curses, or otherwise affecting the course of events without material … Continue reading Real Magic
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MOON MEET: Call for workshop proposals
If you’re coming to Moon Meet and would like to present a workshop, please contact me ASAP at atheopagan [at] comcast [dot] net to present your idea and start a discussion. [NEW EDIT]: Please submit workshop proposals by March 20, so I can publish the event schedule thereafter. Thank you! There are three workshop slots … Continue reading MOON MEET: Call for workshop proposals
Read moreTranslating Book of the Living – an amateur experiment, verse 5
God is Power— Infinite, Irresistible, Inexorable, Indifferent. And yet, God is Pliable— Trickster, Teacher, Chaos, Clay. God exists to be shaped. God is Change. ∞ = Δ… Read more “Translating Book of the Living – an amateur experiment, verse 5”

The Paradox of Tolerance Led To Fascism In America
This is an attempt to gather and make accessible the information on how we have arrived at Fascism in America
Translating Book of the Living – an amateur experiment, verses 3 and 4
A gift of God May sear unready fingers ∞ = Δ Un cadeau de la Divinité brulerait des doigts qui ne sont pas prêts ou Un bienfait de la… Read more “Translating Book of the Living – an amateur experiment, verses 3 and 4”