The past few weeks have been a rough ride for a lot of people between the election and the start of the holiday season. Tensions are running high, and with all the busy-ness of the season it can be difficult to find time to… Continue Reading
Read moreThe Bottom of the Year
It’s almost that time of year again, so I thought I’d share this original song for the winter solstice. It may not be a genius composition, but it’s fun to sing around the bonfire with family and friend. Try it! And by all means make up your own lyrics. You can certainly do better than …
Continue reading “The Bottom of the Year”
Read moreWintermaesse: An Introduction to a Season of Change
To survive, Let the past Teach you— Past customs, Struggles, Leaders and thinkers. Let These Help you. Let them inspire you, Warn you, Give you strength. But… Read more “Wintermaesse: An Introduction to a Season of Change”
They sowed Change, so we must Shape it.
People voted for change, but it seems many did so indiscriminately. They wanted change, any change at all. And, as a result, we will all reap the whirlwind. But we are not powerless. They sowed Change, so we must Shape it.
Read more2016: Why Earthseed Now? A personal mosaic.
The following was written before Election Day, 2016. Now, its mention of concerns about 3rd party voting seems almost quaint, just 3 days after the result, given… Read more “2016: Why Earthseed Now? A personal mosaic.”

Want To Help Me Have a Happy Birthday?
Hey, folks! Today’s my birthday–yes, I’m a Samhain baby! I’m taking the day off and having some quality time out in the woods, and later there will be tasty, tasty foods. If you’d like to help make my day even better, please take a… Continue Reading
Read moreHoliday Problems In the Classroom
“Today schools are promoting and continually working on being environmental educators on how to be responsible members of our ecosystem. I’ve enjoyed seeing the promotion and use of gardening, composting, and water conservation, but seem to have a blind spot”
You Can Be Pagan, Or You Can Be Atheist, But You Can’t Be Both – Or So I’m Told
Pagan is a label that simply has claimed me, I’m just through trying to push away from it and have accepted it.
Pagan, But Not What You’re Assuming
Many continue the conversation assuming that I believe in supernatural beings, like spirits in the rocks, air, rivers, etc. and deities; that the Earth, Moon, Sun, Stars, are beings that care about you; that I follow the Celtic ‘Wheel of the Year’; practice magic/majick; read tarot/divination cards; and perform ceremonies that involve enchanting a circle, the elements in specific directions, and going clockwise. Mistaken on all accounts…
My Favorite Solar-Earth Event and Why…
Here at Patheos we were asked a Summer Series Question, this time “What’s your favorite sabbat/holiday, and why?” But how do you choose a favorite holiday when you only really celebrate one?