“Today schools are promoting and continually working on being environmental educators on how to be responsible members of our ecosystem. I’ve enjoyed seeing the promotion and use of gardening, composting, and water conservation, but seem to have a blind spot”
You Can Be Pagan, Or You Can Be Atheist, But You Can’t Be Both – Or So I’m Told
Pagan is a label that simply has claimed me, I’m just through trying to push away from it and have accepted it.
Pagan, But Not What You’re Assuming
Many continue the conversation assuming that I believe in supernatural beings, like spirits in the rocks, air, rivers, etc. and deities; that the Earth, Moon, Sun, Stars, are beings that care about you; that I follow the Celtic ‘Wheel of the Year’; practice magic/majick; read tarot/divination cards; and perform ceremonies that involve enchanting a circle, the elements in specific directions, and going clockwise. Mistaken on all accounts…
My Favorite Solar-Earth Event and Why…
Here at Patheos we were asked a Summer Series Question, this time “What’s your favorite sabbat/holiday, and why?” But how do you choose a favorite holiday when you only really celebrate one?
Camping Season Is Upon Us – Rua’s SCA Camping List
take the opportunity this summer to participate in the SCA to learn the Arts & Sciences we could use, that are there and waiting to be learned, provided by people enthusiastic to share it. Its an opportunity just sitting there, it would be a shame to waste it.
A Pagan Community Statement on the Environment – Audio Reading Now Live
Rua Lupa shares the vocal recording of A Pagan Community Statement on the Environment, of which they are one voice in.
Solitary Saegoah Ritual Outline – With Alternative Wording (Great For Earth Day)
“…From Stardust, our Planet. From its Oceans, a long lineage of Life. Life that became us. This is our Home.”
Books Books Books
Suddenly my personal bibliography has quadrupled. I’m honored to have essays in two new collections. As if that’s not enough, I’m also thrilled to announce the publication of my own book at long last. Finding the Masculine in Goddess’ Spiral, edited by Erick DuPree, came out from Megalithica Books in February. Godless Paganism, edited by …
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Read moreHow Cultures Form, Cultural Conflicts, And Our Shared Humanity
Throughout history, there has been no single culture that has stayed “pure” nor will there ever be such a culture, and it is willful ignorance to believe so. So it is counter productive to try to prevent cultural mixing. … To ignore the various cultures around us is to ignore our humanity. And to the greatest extent – it causes wars.
Nature Based Holidays, Rituals & History
All things Paths Through The Forests’ has written on Nature Based Holidays, Rituals and History – organized by time of year it is related to.