Just in time to get our Winter Solstice season going, here’s a Winter Solstice singalong on Sunday December 3rd, then Rev. Selena Fox’s guided Winter Solstice Ceremony December 20!
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Pagan Bloggers with Naturalistic Worldviews
Just in time to get our Winter Solstice season going, here’s a Winter Solstice singalong on Sunday December 3rd, then Rev. Selena Fox’s guided Winter Solstice Ceremony December 20!
Read moreNeed a gift for a Naturalistic Pagan? Here’s a bunch of ideas! While we should declutter our lives and avoid gifts/things which we don’t need, many of these are essential to celebrating our Earth and especially for helping grow both critical thinking and the joy of our real world in both this and the next generation. Enjoy!
Read morePaganism is radically different from many huge religions, and that these radical differences appear to have a large impact on our lives, on the lives of future generations, and on our world. In Paganism, human leaders are less often idolized. Paganism’s focus on our own actions aligns with Paganism’s strong thread of individual freedom.
Read moreThere’s a lot here. More than 600 posts, going back to 2014. Essays on Atheopagan values and Principles, ritual skills and techniques, ritual outlines, suggestions for seasonal celebrations of the wheel of the year, rites of passage and personal …
Read moreHappy Samhain! As the darkness falls this Samhain night, our trillions of Ancestors visit us. Who are they? What can they offer you for your struggles today? They can help you anytime during the year – not just now –…
Read moreMaybe this is where it all started. I remember, when I was very young, perhaps seven or eight, I read one of those stories about an Olde Curiosity Shoppe that appears, sells something Unusual to the protagonist, and then was gone when he went back to f…
Read moreIf you’re familiar with this site, you may have noticed that the title has changed. Now, it is “Mark Green’s Atheopaganism Blog”. That’s to make it clear that the thoughts, opinions, ideas, and resources presented here are…
Read moreThis is one of the most sacred times of the year for me – a time when I feel my Ancestors even more closely than usual, as well as a time to remember those who have died this past year. …
Read moreAfter a life of convention-challenging thought and leadership, Michael Dowd has left us, quietly in his sleep last Saturday. There is a lot to say about Rev. Dowd. He was certainly a big thinker and he, with his wife Connie Barlow, was a pioneer in the…
Read moreAll of that is just a start at the many ways that Michael will be with us all into the future. I encourage all of us to discover the many, many life changing works he left us. As when Carl Sagan died, I’m reminded again that times like this speak to us all, urging us to pick up the torch, and carry it into the future.
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