Why Worldview Matters: A Response to Kimberly Kirner

To conclude, worldview matters. It’s not all that matters. But it is part of the dynamic which drives human action, which also includes our material conditions and our social relations. If we want to effect radical change, then we must work to change all three of these, including those “interior states” like worldview or paradigm, spirituality and religious belief.

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Escaping the Otherworld: The Reenchantment of Paganism

The real danger to Paganism is not so much that our religion will be outlawed, but that there will be no reason to outlaw it. The danger is not that guardians of the overculture will go to war with Pagans in a second “Burning Times”, but that they will have no reason to go to war with Paganism, because any difference between the two will have become merely superficial. The danger is not that we will forced to consume some counterfeit experience for the genuine re-enchantment, but that we will no longer be able to tell the difference.

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Celebrating Seasons of the Goddess – with Contributions from Glenys Livingstone

“Celebrating Seasons of the Goddess restores the original vision of celebrating cultural and natural landmarks from the perspective of Goddess feminist activism. By taking such categories as time, seasons, nature and the female divine as a point of departure, this book…

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Spirituality Without Politics Is Lame

A politics without spirituality is blind, but a spirituality without politics is lame.  And that is why I worry about an apolitical spirituality.  I worry that individual spiritual practice in isolation from engagement with the world will never lead to real personal development and thus never lead to positive social change. And I worry about an apolitical spirituality which tells us that we need to accept the world as it is because we are powerless to change it.  Finally, sitting back and practicing equanimity and a contemplative attitude is a privilege that many people do not have.  It is not a option for many people of color.  It is not a option for many gay, lesbian, queer or transgendered people have.  It is not an option for many poor people or for many women.

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